2009WGO 肝细胞癌(HCC):一个全球视角

2009-11-01 世界胃肠病学组织 J Clin Gastroenterol. 2010 Apr;44(4):239-45.


2009WGO 肝细胞癌(HCC):一个全球视角


2009WGO Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): a global perspective.






1 Introduction More than 600,000 people die from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) each year. Worldwide research on the disease needs to be intensified in both the medical and pharmaceutical fields, especially with a focus on providing help to areas where resources are limited. Treatment approaches depend on the stage of the disease at diagnosis and on access to complex treatment regimens. However, advanced disease is not curable, and management of advanced disease is expensive and only marginally effective in increasing quality-adjusted life-years. The delivery of health-care services for HCC can be improved by developing centers of excellence. Concentrating medical care in this way can lead to an increased level of expertise, so that resections are performed by surgeons who understand liver disease and the limitations of resection and other relevant procedures.Promising new agents are beyond the reach of those who would benefit most: in low-resource countries, sorafenib is out of the question for general use. For example, “snapshot” cost indications of monthly pharmacy prices for sorafenib are: $7300 in China, $5400 in the USA, $5000 in Brazil, €3562 in France, and $1400 in Korea (source: N Engl J Med 2008;359:378–90; PMID 18650519).

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