2012 STS更新版 心脏或非心脏手术抗血小板药物应用指南

2012-11-09 美国胸外科医师学会 Ann Thorac Surg,2012;94:1761–81


2012 STS更新版 心脏或非心脏手术抗血小板药物应用指南


2012 Update to The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Guideline on Use of Antiplatelet Drugs in Patients Having Cardiac and Noncardiac Operations






The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Workforce on Evidence Based Surgery provides recommendations for practicing thoracic surgeons based on available medicalevidence. Part of the responsibility of the Evidence Based Workforce is to continually monitor published literature and to periodically update recommendations when new information becomes available. In 2005, STS Workforce efforts included publication of recommendations regarding the use of antiplatelet agents during cardiac operations [1]. Since then, new antiplatelet agents appeared on the market and significant new information appeared in the literature, such that revision of the 2005 guidelines is justified. This document represents synthesis of new information regarding the use of antiplatelet agents in the perioperative period. Additional features of this publication include broader discussion of point-ofcare testing to monitor platelet function and wider exploration of treatment options of patients exposed to antiplatelet drugs who need urgent operation.

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