JMIR mHealth and uHealth

Mobile and tablet apps, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, wearable computing, and domotics for health


Lorraine R. Buis, PhD, MSI, Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan, USA

Impact Factor 5.0

JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU, ISSN 2291-5222; Impact Factor: 5.0) is a leading peer-reviewed journal and one of the flagship journals of JMIR Publications. JMU has been published since 2013 and was the first mhealth journal indexed in PubMed. In June 2023, JMU received a Journal Impact Factor™ from Clarivate of 5.0 (5-year Journal Impact Factor™: 5.7) and continues to be a Q1 journal in the category of ‘Healthcare Sciences and Services.’ It is indexed in all major literature indices, including MEDLINE, PubMedPubMed Central, Scopus, Psycinfo, SCIE, JCR, EBSCO/EBSCO Essentials, DOAJ, GoOA and others.

JMU focuses on health and biomedical applications in mobile and tablet computing, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, wearable computing and domotics. 

The journal adheres to rigorous quality standards, involving a rapid and thorough peer-review process, professional copyediting, and professional production of PDF, XHTML, and XML proofs.

Like all JMIR journals, JMU encourages Open Science principles and strongly encourages the publication of a protocol before data collection. Authors who have published a protocol in JMIR Research Protocols get a discount of 20% on the Article Processing Fee when publishing a subsequent results paper in any JMIR journal.

Recent Articles

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Wearables and MHealth Reviews

Unaddressed early-stage mental health issues, including stress, anxiety, and mild depression, can become a burden for individuals in the long term. Digital phenotyping involves capturing continuous behavioral data via digital smartphone devices to monitor human behavior and can potentially identify milder symptoms before they become serious.

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Economic Evaluations of mHealth Programs and Infrastructures

Depressive disorder and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are prevalent in primary care (PC). Pharmacological treatment, despite controversy, is commonly chosen due to resource limitations and difficulties in accessing face-to-face interventions. Depression significantly impacts various aspects of a person’s life, affecting adherence to medical prescriptions and glycemic control and leading to future complications and increased health care costs. To address these challenges, information and communication technologies (eg, eHealth) have been introduced, showing promise in improving treatment continuity and accessibility. However, while eHealth programs have demonstrated effectiveness in alleviating depressive symptoms, evidence regarding glycemic control remains inconclusive. This randomized controlled trial aimed to test the efficacy of a low-intensity psychological intervention via a web app for mild-moderate depressive symptoms in individuals with T2DM compared with treatment as usual (TAU) in PC.

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mHealth for Treatment Adherence

Medication nonadherence remains a significant health and economic burden in many high-income countries. Emerging smartphone interventions have started to use features such as gamification and financial incentives with varying degrees of effectiveness on medication adherence and health outcomes. A more consistent approach to applying these features, informed by patient perspectives, may result in more predictable and beneficial results from this type of intervention.

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mHealth in the Developing World/LMICs, Underserved Communities, and for Global Health

Mobile health (mHealth) wearable devices are increasingly being adopted by individuals to help manage and monitor physiological signals. However, the current state of wearables does not consider the needs of racially minoritized low–socioeconomic status (SES) communities regarding usability, accessibility, and price. This is a critical issue that necessitates immediate attention and resolution.

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The increasing interest in the potential applications of generative artificial intelligence (AI) models like ChatGPT in health care has prompted numerous studies to explore its performance in various medical contexts. However, evaluating ChatGPT poses unique challenges due to the inherent randomness in its responses. Unlike traditional AI models, ChatGPT generates different responses for the same input, making it imperative to assess its stability through repetition. This commentary highlights the importance of including repetition in the evaluation of ChatGPT to ensure the reliability of conclusions drawn from its performance. Similar to biological experiments, which often require multiple repetitions for validity, we argue that assessing generative AI models like ChatGPT demands a similar approach. Failure to acknowledge the impact of repetition can lead to biased conclusions and undermine the credibility of research findings. We urge researchers to incorporate appropriate repetition in their studies from the outset and transparently report their methods to enhance the robustness and reproducibility of findings in this rapidly evolving field.

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Evaluation and Research Methodology for mHealth

ChatGPT by OpenAI emerged as a potential tool for researchers, aiding in various aspects of research. One such application was the identification of relevant studies in systematic reviews. However, a comprehensive comparison of the efficacy of relevant study identification between human researchers and ChatGPT has not been conducted.

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Wearables and MHealth Reviews

Motion tracking technologies serve as crucial links between physical activities and health care insights, facilitating data acquisition essential for analyzing and intervening in physical activity. Yet, systematic methodologies for evaluating motion tracking data, especially concerning user activity recognition in health care applications, remain underreported.

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mHealth for Wellness, Behavior Change and Prevention

Reproductive health literacy and menstrual health awareness play a crucial role in ensuring the health and well-being of women and people who menstruate. Further, awareness of one’s own menstrual cycle patterns and associated symptoms can help individuals identify and manage conditions of the menstrual cycle such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Digital health products, and specifically menstrual health apps, have the potential to effect positive change due to their scalability and ease of access.

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Wearable Devices and Sensors

Postpartum depression (PPD) poses a significant maternal health challenge. The current approach to detecting PPD relies on in-person postpartum visits, which contributes to underdiagnosis. Furthermore, recognizing PPD symptoms can be challenging. Therefore, we explored the potential of using digital biomarkers from consumer wearables for PPD recognition.

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mHealth for Rehabilitation

The development of digital applications based on behavioral therapies to support patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) has attracted increasing attention in the field of rehabilitation. This paper presents a systematic review of research on digital applications based on behavioral therapies for people with KOA.

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Wearables and MHealth Reviews

Mobile health (mHealth) interventions have immense potential to support disease self-management for people with complex medical conditions following treatment regimens that involve taking medicine and other self-management activities. However, there is no consensus on what discrete behavior change techniques should be used in an effective adherence and self-management promoting mHealth solution for any chronic illness. Reviewing the extant literature to identify effective, cross-cutting behavior change techniques in mHealth interventions for adherence and self-management promotion could help accelerate the development, evaluation, and dissemination of behavior change interventions with potential generalizability across complex medical conditions.


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