2011NICE 西洛他唑、草酸萘呋胺、己酮可可碱和肌醇烟酸酯用于治疗外周动脉疾病患者的间歇性跛行(技术评估指南223)

2011-05-01 英国国家卫生与临床优化研究所 Technology appraisals, TA223 - Issued: May 2011


2011NICE 西洛他唑、草酸萘呋胺、己酮可可碱和肌醇烟酸酯用于治疗外周动脉疾病患者的间歇性跛行(技术评估指南223)


2011NICE Cilostazol, naftidrofyryl oxalate, pentoxifylline and inositol nicotinate for the treatment of intermittent claudication in people with peripheral arterial disease




1Guidance1.1 Naftidrofuryl oxalate is recommended as an option for the treatment of intermittent claudication in people with peripheral arterial disease for whom vasodilator therapy is considered appropriate after taking into account other treatment options. Treatment with naftidrofuryl oxalate should be started with the least costly licensed preparation.1.2 Cilostazol, pentoxifylline and inositol nicotinate are not recommended for the treatment of intermittent claudication in people with peripheral arterial disease.1.3 People currently receiving cilostazol, pentoxifylline and inositol nicotinate should have the option to continue treatment until they and their clinicians consider it appropriate to stop.

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    2017-04-24 嘿嘿嘿哈

