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Orexin-A Intensifies Mouse Pupillary Light Response by Modulating Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (12)

We show for the first time that the neuropeptide orexin modulates pupillary light response, a non-image-forming visual function, in mice of either sex......

Protein phosphatase 2B dual function facilitates 3 synaptic integrity and motor learning

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (26)

Protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B) is critical for synaptic plasticity and learning, but the molecular mechanisms involved remain unclear. Here we identifi......

Perceptual Learning beyond Perception: Mnemonic Representation in Early Visual Cortex and Intraparietal Sulcus

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (20)

The ability to discriminate between stimuli relies on a chain of neural operations associated with perception, memory and decision-making. Accumulatin......

The Sustained Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine Are Independent of the Lateral Habenula

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (18)

Ketamine is known to have a rapid and lasting antidepressant effect. Recent studies have shown that ketamine exerts it rapid antidepressant effect by ......

4R Tau Modulates Cocaine-Associated Memory through Adult Dorsal Hippocampal Neurogenesis

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (31)

The development, persistence and relapse of drug addiction require drug memory that generally develops with drug administration-paired contextual stim......

Carboxypeptidase E Regulates Activity-Dependent TrkB Neuronal Surface Insertion and Hippocampal Memory

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (33)

Activity-dependent insertion of the tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) receptor into the plasma membrane can explain, in part, the preferential effec......

Computational and Neurobiological Substrates of Cost-Benefit Integration in Altruistic Helping Decision

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (15)

Although altruistic behaviors, e.g., sacrificing one's own interests to alleviate others' suffering, are widely observed in human society, altruism va......

Substantia Nigra Integrity Correlates with Sequential Working Memory in Parkinson's Disease

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (29)

Maintaining and manipulating sequences online is essential for daily activities such as scheduling a day. In Parkinson's disease (PD), sequential work......

Pen-2 Negatively Regulates the Differentiation of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells into Astrocytes in the Central Nervous System

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (23)

Mutations on gamma-secretase subunits are associated with neurologic diseases. Whereas the role of gamma-secretase in neurogenesis has been intensivel......

The Modulatory Effect of Motor Cortex Astrocytes on Diabetic Neuropathic Pain

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (24)

Diabetic neuropathic pain (DNP) is a common complication of diabetes characterized by persistent pain. Emerging evidence links astrocytes to mechanica......

Distinct Neural Representations of Content and Ordinal Structure in Auditory Sequence Memory

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (29)

Two forms of information, frequency (content) and ordinal position (structure), have to be stored when retaining a sequence of auditory tones in worki......

Cortex-Wide Dynamics of Intrinsic Electrical Activities: Propagating Waves and Their Interactions

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (16)

Cortical circuits generate patterned activities that reflect intrinsic brain dynamics that lay the foundation for any, including stimuli-evoked, cogni......

Early top-down modulation in visual word form processing: Evidence from an intracranial SEEG study

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (28)

Visual word recognition, at a minimum, involves the processing of word form and lexical information. Opinions diverge on the spatiotemporal distributi......

Oscillatory Entrainment of the Frequency-following Response in Auditory Cortical and Subcortical Structures

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (18)

There is much debate about the existence and function of neural oscillatory mechanisms in the auditory system. The frequency-following response (FFR) ......

Citric Acid in Drug Formulations Causes Pain by Potentiating Acid-Sensing Ion Channel 1

期刊: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (21)

Pain at the injection site is a common complaint of patients receiving therapeutic formulations containing citric acid. Despite the widely acknowledge......

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