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Nature energy

NLM Title Abbreviation:
Nat Energy
Nature energy.
Publication Start Year:
Country of Publication:
London : Springer Nature : Macmillan
1 online resource
2058-7546 (Electronic)
2058-7546 (Linking)
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"The provision of energy is a key issue at the heart of modern society: where do we get it from, how do we use it, and is there enough of it for what we want? Our growing thirst for energy must be matched by its supply, and that supply must be sustained. Tackling these challenges is an essential part of many fields of research - both in the natural and social and behavioural sciences - and is the focus of multi-billion-dollar global industries. Publishing monthly, Nature Energy is dedicated to exploring all aspects of this on-going discussion, from the generation and storage of energy, to its distribution and management, the needs and demands of the different actors, and the impacts that energy technologies and policies have on societies. We have a particular interest in studies that advance our knowledge and inform the development of next-generation technologies and solutions. Nature Energy provides a forum for all parties active at the frontiers of energy to come together and learn about the different facets of this sector. Topics covered include: photovoltaics, batteries, supercapacitors, energy economics, electro- and photocatalysis, energy policy, fuel cells, artificial photosynthesis, hydrogen energy, biofuels, energy security, energy justice, carbon capture and storage, energy harvesting devices, sustainable and green energy sources, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, nuclear fusion and fission, energy grids and networks, and energy demand and supply " -- Aims and Scope (NPG website).
PubMed: Selected citations only
Current Indexing Status:
Not currently indexed for MEDLINE. Citations are for articles where the manuscript was deposited in PubMed Central (PMC) in compliance with public access policies. For further information, see Author Manuscripts in PMC.
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Collection Status:
Not in the NLM Collection
101734042 [Serial]

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