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Using the Flanker Task to Examine Genetic and Environmental Contributions in Inhibitory Control Across the Preschool Period

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (2)

The limited research exploring genetic and environmental influences on inhibitory control (IC) in preschoolers has relied on parent ratings or simple ......

Bidirectional Causal Associations Between Same-Sex Attraction and Psychological Distress: Testing Moderation and Mediation Effects

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (2)

Only one study has examined bidirectional causality between sexual minority status (having same-sex attraction) and psychological distress. We combine......

Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia, Major Depression, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Hippocampal Subregion Volumes in Middle Childhood

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (3)

Studies demonstrate that individuals with diagnoses for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Schizophrenia (SCZ......

Associations Between Adolescent Pain and Psychopathology in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (3)

Pain and psychopathology co-occur in adolescence, but the directionality and etiology of these associations are unclear. Using the pain questionnaire ......

MR-DoC2: Bidirectional Causal Modeling with Instrumental Variables and Data from Relatives

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (1)

Establishing causality is an essential step towards developing interventions for psychiatric disorders, substance use and many other conditions. While......

A Varying Coefficient Model to Jointly Test Genetic and Gene-Environment Interaction Effects

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (4)

Most human traits are influenced by the interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Many statistical methods have been proposed to screen for......

Genetic Analysis of the Stereotypic Phenotype in Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mice)

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (1)

Peromyscus maniculatus, including the laboratory stock BW, have been used as a model organism for autism spectrum disorder and obsessive-compulsive di......

A Phenome-Wide Association Study (PheWAS) of Late Onset Alzheimer Disease Genetic Risk in Children of European Ancestry at Middle Childhood: Results from the ABCD Study

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (3)

Genetic risk for Late Onset Alzheimer Disease (AD) has been associated with lower cognition and smaller hippocampal volume in healthy young adults. Ho......

Exploring Relationships Between Internalizing Problems and Risky Sexual Behavior: A Twin Study

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (4)

Previous research links risky sexual behavior (RSB) to externalizing problems and to substance use, but little research has been conducted on relation......

Nonlinear Catch-Up Growth in Height, Weight, and Head Circumference from Birth to Adolescence: A Longitudinal Twin Study

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (5-6)

Owing to high rates of prenatal complications, twins are, on average, substantially smaller than population norms on physical measurements including h......

Gene-by-Environment Interaction Effects of Social Adversity on Externalizing Behavior in ABCD Youth

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (3)

This study tested whether multiple domains of social adversity, including neighborhood opportunity/deprivation and life stress, moderate genetic (A), ......

Bias in Gene-by-Environment Interaction Effects with Sum Scores; An Application to Well-being Phenotypes

期刊: BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 2023; 53 (4)

In the current study, we investigated the influence of using skewed sum scores on estimated gene-by-environment interaction effects (GxE) for life sat......

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