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The shortcoming of using glibenclamide in exploratory clinical headache provocation studies

期刊: CEPHALALGIA, 2023; 43 (12)

Objective: Preclinical and clinical studies implicate the vascular ATP-sensitive potassium (K-ATP) channel in the signaling cascades underlying headac......

The SIH-EBP Score: A grading scale to predict the response to the first epidural blood patch in spontaneous intracranial hypotension

期刊: CEPHALALGIA, 2023; 43 (3)

BackgroundTo develop and validate an easy-to-use scoring system to predict the response to the first epidural blood patching in patients with spontane......

Update on headaches associated with physical exertion

期刊: CEPHALALGIA, 2023; 43 (3)

BackgroundHeadaches associated with physical exertion include headache precipitated by coughing or other Valsalva maneuvers, headache brought on by pr......

Developing an artificial intelligence-based headache diagnostic model and its utility for non-specialists' diagnostic accuracy

期刊: CEPHALALGIA, 2023; 43 (5)

BackgroundMisdiagnoses of headache disorders are a serious issue. Therefore, we developed an artificial intelligence-based headache diagnosis model us......

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