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Leaving It Better Than I Found It

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

For Idaho wheat producers, sustainable agriculture includes conservation of natural habitat, rehabilitation of soils, protection of streams and waterw......

Tools and Theories to Understand Cake Baking - Focus on Foam-to-Sponge Conversion

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

Worldwide the food industry is under pressure to reduce caloric values of sweet bakery products such as cakes. In addition, there is a need to optimiz......

Consumer Perceptions and Purchase Motivations Related to Environmental Sustainability

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

Cereals and pulses make important contributions to carbohydrate and protein intakes. Data collected by the International Food Information Council (IFI......

Biotechnology-Inspired Solutions to Further Increase Sustainability and Healthiness in the Bakery Market

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

Biotechnology makes use of living organisms for the production of sustainable, biobased food, feed, fuel, and materials. Biocatalyst enzymes, used to ......

The Role of Grains in Sustainable Diets

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

There is a need to develop a more resilient food supply that is both nutritious and sustainable. From an agricultural perspective, there is increasing......

Complementing Cereal Grains with Pulse Grains to Enhance the Nutritional and Environmental Sustainability Profiles of Manufactured Foods in Canada and the United States

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

The interplay between environmental sustainability and reduced risk of chronic disease with dietary choices is often underpinned by the source of prot......

Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Analysis of Crops

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

In this article, the tools needed for applied near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in field analysis of crops are discussed. An overview of the hardware a......

Regenerative Agriculture: A Farmer-Led Initiative to Build Resiliency in Food Systems

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

The resiliency of cereal grain food systems is threatened by the agricultural degradation of natural resources. Addressing this global challenge will ......

Methods for Processing Pulses to Optimize Nutritional Functionality and Maximize Amino Acid Availability in Foods and Feeds

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

Pulses are a versatile group of nutrient-dense leguminous seeds. Alternatives to animal protein are required to meet the protein demands of a continuo......

Grain Proteins: Challenges and Solutions in Developing Consumer-Relevant Foods

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

Plant proteins are gaining popularity as an animal-free alternative for food and beverage formulations. Proteins from pea, wheat, corn, and rice are t......

SpaceBakery-Sourdough Bread on Planet Mars for Sustainable Innovation on Earth

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (6)

On May 30, 2020, SpaceX launched its first Falcon 9 rocket crewed mission and, with it, a new era of spaceflight in which low-Earth orbit is commercia......

Delaware River Offers Opportunities to Global Food Trade

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (1)

The port facilities of the Delaware River Valley combine to make up the largest food seaport in the United States, offering a vast, modern infrastruct......

Biological Contamination of Grains in Transportation-Farm to Fork

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (1)

There are many forms of contamination that can affect grain quality from the farm through transportation, storage, and processing of grains before the......

Processing Analytics for Milling: Rapid Detection of Quality Parameters through Optical Technologies

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (1)

The grain processing industry has been using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy systems to continuously monitor the contents of raw, intermediate, and e......

Resilience and Complex Interdependencies within and between Global Food Supply Networks and Transportation Infrastructure

期刊: CEREAL FOODS WORLD, 2020; 65 (1)

The global supply of food is an incredibly complex system, involving multiple actors and a diverse value chain from production through to consumption.......

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