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Effect of Magnetite Content and Specificity of Nickel(II) Ions on Electrokinetic Properties of Composites Based on Porous Silica Particles

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (4)

Powders of magnetite and its composites have been obtained on the basis of macroporous high-silica glass particles containing different amounts of Fe3......

An Experimental Study of a Magnetic Liquid Marble and a Novel Scheme for Improving the Sensitivity of a Liquid Marble-Based Accelerometer

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (4)

Due to the interfacial energy minimization phenomenon, rolling a liquid droplet on a solid powder bed consisting of hydrophobic micro-nano sized parti......

Collection of Submicron Aerosol Particles by Filters Composed of Nanofibers

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (1)

deposition of aerosol particles from a Stokes flow in filters composed of nanofibers has been considered at Knudsen numbers Kn similar to 1. The effic......

Comments on Paper by AA Kirsh Electric Explosion of Aerosols. To the 115th Anniversary of the Tunguska Meteorite

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (3)

For more than a hundred years, people have been trying to solve the mystery of the Tunguska meteorite (TM) and understand what kind of phenomenon it w......

Comparative Characterization of Aqueous Suspensions of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Different Phase Compositions

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (3)

The interaction of iron oxide nanoparticles with an aqueous medium has been studied. The composition of the nanoparticles corresponds to magnetite-mag......

Investigation of Newly Developed 5-Aminoisophthalate Capped Gold Nanoparticles for Degradation of Azo-Dyes

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (4)

The sodium salt of 5-aminoisothalate (5-AIT), which has -NH2 and -COO-Na+ functions, is a highly water-soluble compound. It was used as reducing and c......

Effect of Biological Contamination of Copper Surfaces with Extreme Wettability on Their Antibacterial Properties

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (5)

Bacterial health care-associated infections (HCAI) are one of the acute problems of modern healthcare. One of the promising directions for solving thi......

Impact of the Aging of Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles on their Interaction with Cholesteric DNA Microparticles

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (5)

The correlation between the time of preliminary storage of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles (GNPs) synthesized according to the Duff method and the struc......

Mechanochemical Synthesis of Ethoxyaminohumic Acids and Surface-Active Properties of Their Solutions at Solution-Air Interface

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (6)

Ethoxyamine derivatives of humic acids have been obtained by mechanochemical synthesis via the simultaneous interaction of humic acids with poly(ethyl......

The Role of Dispersed Particles in the Physicochemical Behavior of Nanofluids

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (6)

Nanodispersions can be used to solve various practical problems, such as increasing the efficiency of heating systems, cooling of electrical equipment......

Models for Stabilization of Charged Particles with Surfactants in Nonpolar Media

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (6)

Stabilization of charged particles in nonpolar media is one of the most complicated problems in modern colloid chemistry. The attribution to colloid c......

Sedimentation of Titanium Dioxide Suspension under the Action of Magnetic Flocculants

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (1)

Magnetic flocculants are synthesized from magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles and ionic and nonionic acrylamide copolymers having different concentrations......

Effect of the Hydrodynamic Conditions for Sodium Alginate-Papain Colloidal System Synthesis on the Sorption Properties of the Biocomposite

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (4)

The regularities have been studied for the formation of molecular associates upon the introduction of papain into a sodium alginate colloidal solution......

Features of Boric Acid Sorption by FIBAN A-5 Anion-Exchange Fiber under Static Conditions

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (4)

Excessive contents of boron and its compounds can exhibit toxic effects despite their necessity for functioning living organisms. An urgent task is to......

Viscoelastic Properties of Ferrofluids with Clustered Particles

期刊: COLLOID JOURNAL, 2023; 85 (1)

Clustered (multi-core) magnetic fluids provoke a considerable interest of researchers and practitioners, because they are very promising for various t......

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