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The C-Terminal Acid Phosphatase Module of the RNase HI Enzyme RnhC Controls Rifampin Sensitivity and Light-Dependent Colony Pigmentation of Mycobacterium smegmatis

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (4)

RNase H enzymes participate in various processes that require processing of RNA-DNA hybrids, including DNA replication, transcription, and ribonucleot......

Characterization of Shigella flexneri Serotype 6 Strains Isolated from Bangladesh and Identification of a New Phylogenetic Cluster

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (4)

Shigella flexneri serotype 6 is one of the predominant serotypes among shigellosis cases in Bangladesh. Characterization of a novel subserotype of S. ......

Update of the Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase/tRNAPyl Pair and Derivatives for Genetic Code Expansion

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (2)

The cotranslational incorporation of pyrrolysine (Pyl), the 22nd proteinogenic amino acid, into proteins in response to the UAG stop codon represents ......

Visualization of Wall Teichoic Acid Decoration in Bacillus subtilis

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (4)

Teichoic acids are important for the maintenance of cell shape and growth in Gram-positive bacteria. Bacillus subtilis produces major and minor forms ......

Ribosome heterogeneity results in leader sequence-mediated regulation of protein synthesis in Francisella tularensis


Although ribosomes are generally examined in aggregate, ribosomes can be heterogenous in composition. Evidence is accumulating that changes in ribosom......

Mutations in the C-terminal region of the bacteriophage exclusion protein PglX can selectively inactivate restriction in Salmonella


Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain LT2 is protected by two DNA restriction-modification systems (HsdRMS and Mod-Res) and a Type I bacterio......

Bacteroides fragilis Maintains Concurrent Capability for Anaerobic and Nanaerobic Respiration

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (1)

By performing a comprehensive analysis of nanaerobic respiration in Bacteroides fragilis, we show that this organism maintains capabilities for anaero......

Construction and Characterization of Functional FtsA Sandwich Fusions for Studies of FtsA Localization and Dynamics during Escherichia coli Cell Division

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (1)

FtsA, a homolog of actin, is essential for cell division of Escherichia coli and is widely conserved among many bacteria. FtsA helps to tether polymer......

DksA, ppGpp, and RegAB Regulate Nitrate Respiration in Paracoccus denitrificans

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (4)

The periplasmic (NAP) and membrane-associated (Nar) nitrate reductases of Paracoccus denitrificans are responsible for nitrate reduction under aerobic......

A Novel CovS Variant Harbored by a Colonization Strain Reduces Streptococcus pyogenes Virulence

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (4)

Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A Streptococcus, causes a wide variety of diseases ranging from mild noninvasive to severe invasive infect......

Transcriptional Self-Regulation of the Master Nitrogen Regulator GlnR in Mycobacteria

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (4)

As a master nitrogen regulator in most actinomycetes, GlnR both governs central nitrogen metabolism and regulates many carbon, phosphate, and secondar......

Bacillus subtilis, a Swiss Army Knife in Science and Biotechnology

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (5)

Next to Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis is the most studied and best understood organism that also serves as a model for many important pathogens.......

Identification and Characterization of Negative Regulators of Rgg1518 Quorum Sensing in Streptococcus pneumoniae


Streptococcus pneumoniae uses quorum sensing to communicate and regulate virulence. In our study, we focused on one Rgg quorum sensing system (Rgg/SHP......

Genetic Engineering of Resident Bacteria in the Gut Microbiome

期刊: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2023; 205 (7)

Techniques by which to genetically manipulate members of the microbiota enable both the evaluation of host-microbe interactions and an avenue by which......

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