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Important pest species of the Spodoptera complex: Biology, thermal requirements and ecological zoning

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (1)

In South America, especially in Brazil, four members of the Spodoptera complex, Spodoptera albula (Walker, 1857), S. cosmioides (Walker, 1858), S. eri......


Antixenosis and antibiosis mechanisms of resistance to turnip aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) in Brassica juncea-fruticulosa introgression lines

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (2)

Lipaphis erysimi is a key pest of rapeseed-mustard in Indian subcontinent. Although chemical control is the basis of its management, the unsustainabil......


Biological control at work: demonstrating the complementary effects of natural enemies on two contrasting pests and the damage they cause

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (2)

Natural pest control is a significant service supporting agricultural production. However, the relative contribution of several functional groups of n......


The interspecific variation of plant traits in brassicas engenders stronger aphid suppression than the intraspecific variation of single plant trait

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (2)

Increasing either inter- or intraspecific plant diversity has shown the potential to engender bottom-up and top-down effects upon herbivorous pests. N......


Bird-mediated effects of pest control services on crop productivity: a global synthesis

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (2)

Birds provide important ecosystem services in many ecosystems, including important pest control effects on productive systems. The typically low bird ......


Enhanced biocontrol services in artificially selected strains of Orius laevigatus

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (4)

Augmentative biological control in protected crops relies mainly on omnivorous predators. Their performance as biological control agents (BCA) depends......


Combining mirid predators to reduce crop damages and sustain biocontrol in multi-prey systems

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (4)

With the invasion or local occurrence of Bemisia tabaci and Tuta absoluta in recent decades, they both have become two major insect pests of tomato cr......


The modes of action of Mentha arvensis essential oil on the granary weevil Sitophilus granarius revealed by a label-free quantitative proteomic analysis

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (1)

Although synthetic pesticides are still used to control insect pests, greater efforts have been made to develop healthier and more environmentally fri......


Bottom-up effects of breeding tomato genotypes on behavioural responses and performance of Tetranychus evansi population

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (3)

The tomato red spider mite, TRSM, Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard (Acari: Tetranychidae), is an invasive tomato pest in several countries, wi......


A first inference of the phylogeography of the worldwide invader Xylosandrus compactus

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (3)

Native to Southeastern Asia, the ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus is invasive worldwide. Its invasion is favoured by its cryptic lifestyle, symbi......


Integrated pest management of Tuta absoluta: practical implementations across different world regions

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (1)

The South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), has invaded most Afro-Eurasian countries and is threatening wor......


Searching for bioactive compounds from Solanaceae: lethal and sublethal toxicity to Spodoptera frugiperda and untargeted metabolomics approaches

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (3)

The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a major pest of maize crops and others row crops on the American co......


Implementation of RNAi-based arthropod pest control: environmental risks, potential for resistance and regulatory considerations

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (1)

Just over 20 years since the RNA interference (RNAi) mechanism was unraveled in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the first RNAi-based pest control......


Priming of rice defense against a sap-sucking insect pest brown planthopper by silicon

期刊: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 2022; 95 (3)

Silicon (Si) enhances rice resistance to various insect herbivores. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Whereas the salicylic acid (SA)......


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