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Small molecule-mediated disruption of ribosome biogenesis synergizes with FGFR inhibitors to suppress glioma cell growth

期刊: NEURO-ONCOLOGY, 2023; 25 (6)

Background High-grade gliomas are malignant brain tumors characterized by aggressiveness and resistance to chemotherapy. Prognosis remains dismal, hig......

Chimeric antigen receptor T cell-based targeting of CD317 as a novel immunotherapeutic strategy against glioblastoma

期刊: NEURO-ONCOLOGY, 2023; 25 (11)

Background Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy has proven to be successful against hematological malignancies. However, exploiting CAR T ce......

Stationary-to-migratory transition in glioblastoma stem-like cells driven by a fatty acid-binding protein 7-RXRα neurogenic pathway

期刊: NEURO-ONCOLOGY, 2023; 25 (12)

Background Glioblastoma (GBM) stem-like cells (GSCs) are crucial drivers of treatment resistance and tumor recurrence. While the concept of migrating ......

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