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Chinese Aesthetic Mask: Three Forehead and Five Eyes-Holistic Processing and Facial Attractiveness

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2021; 50 (6)

Human face processing has been attributed to holistic processing. Here, we ask whether humans are sensitive to configural information when perceiving ......

Repetition Suppression in Visual and Auditory Modalities Affects the Sound-Induced Flash Illusion

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2021; 50 (6)

Sound-induced flash illusion (SiFI) refers to the illusion that the number of visual flashes is equal to the number of auditory sounds when the visual......

Spatial Inhibition of Return Affected by Self-Prioritization Effect in Three-Dimensional Space

期刊: PERCEPTION, ; ()

Spatial inhibition of return (IOR) being affected by the self-prioritization effect (SPE) in a two-dimensional plane has been well documented. However......

Spatial Inhibition of Return Affected by Self-Prioritization Effect in Three-Dimensional Space

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2021; 50 (3)

Spatial inhibition of return (IOR) being affected by the self-prioritization effect (SPE) in a two-dimensional plane has been well documented. However......

Crossmodal Nonspatial Repetition Inhibition Due to Modality Shift

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2021; 50 (2)

Previous studies have found that processing of a second stimulus is slower when the modality of the first stimulus differs, which is termed the modali......

Asymmetrical Switch Costs in Spatial Reference Frames Switching

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2020; 49 (3)

Previous studies found that the egocentric and allocentric reference frames are distinct in their functions, developmental trajectory, and neural basi......

Apparent Emotional Expression Explains the Effects of Head Posture on Perceived Trustworthiness and Dominance, but a Measure of Facial Width Does Not

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2020; 49 (4)

Interpreting the personality and the disposition of people is important for social interaction. Both emotional expression and facial width are known t......

Effects of Transient and Nontransient Changes of Surface Feature on Object Correspondence

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2020; 49 (4)

Object correspondence is a fundamental problem in perception. Classic theories hold that the computation of correspondence is solely based on spatiote......

Holistic Integration in the Processing of Chinese Characters as Revealed by Electroencephalography Frequency Tagging

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2020; 49 (6)

It is debated whether perceptual expertise of nonface objects, such as visual words, is indicated by holistic processing, which is regarded as a marke......

Reduced Contrast Sensitivity Function in Central and Peripheral Vision by Disability Glare

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2020; 49 (12)

Various glares can decrease visual performance and cause discomfort, thus increasing drivers' risk for traffic accidents in real life. The current stu......

Study of the Human Stickiness Perception of Wet Fabric on the Volar Forearm via Two Contact Modes: Friction and Adhesion-Separation

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2020; 49 (12)

Wet fabric clinging to human skin may cause stickiness perception and facilitate wearing discomfort. This study aims to investigate the stickiness per......

Eccentricity Effect of Deformation Detection for Radial Frequency Patterns With Their Centers at Fixation Point

期刊: PERCEPTION, 2020; 49 (8)

We measured the eccentricity effect of deformation thresholds of circular contours for two types of the radial frequency (RF) patterns with their cent......

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