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MicroRNA-196b promotes cell growth and metastasis of ovarian cancer by targeting ZMYND11

期刊: MINERVA MEDICA, 2022; 113 (4)

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to explore the mechanism by which microRNA-196b exerts a tumor promotion effect on ovarian cancer (OCa). MET......


Metalloprotease ADAM10 inhibition mitigates acute liver injury via repression of intrahepatic inflammation

期刊: MINERVA MEDICA, 2022; 113 (3)

BACKGROUND: Acute liver injury (ALI) is associated with the occurrence and progress of intrahepatic inflammation. Recent studies have shown that ADAM1......


Liraglutide monotherapy and add on therapy on obese women with polycystic ovarian syndromes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

期刊: MINERVA MEDICA, 2022; 113 (3)

INTRODUCTION: A meta-analysis was carried out to systematically evaluate the effects of liraglutide on waist circumference, BMI, weight, insulin resis......


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