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Isolation of cuspidal spectrum, with application to the Gan Gross Prasad conjecture

期刊: ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS, 2021; 194 (2)

We introduce a new technique for isolating components on the spectral side of the trace formula. By applying it to the Jacquet-Rallis relative trace f......

Local and global boundary rigidity and the geodesic X-ray transform in the norma gauge

期刊: ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS, 2021; 194 (1)

In this paper we analyze the local and global boundary rigidity problem for general Riemannian manifolds with boundary (M,g). We show that the boundar......

Rectifiability of singular sets of noncollapsed limit spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below

期刊: ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS, 2021; 193 (2)

This paper is concerned with the structure of Gromov-Hausdorff limit d spaces (M-i(n), gi, pi) ->(dGH )(X-n ,d,p) of Riemannian manifolds satisfyin......

L-2 curvature bounds on manifolds with bounded Ricci curvature

期刊: ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS, 2021; 193 (1)

Consider a Riemannian manifold with bounded Ricci curvature vertical bar Ric vertical bar <= n - 1 and the noncollapsing lower volume bound Vol ver......

On positivity of the CM line bundle on K-moduli spaces

期刊: ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS, 2020; 192 (3)

In this paper, we consider the CM line bundle on the K-moduli space, i.e., the moduli space parametrizing K-polystable Fano varieties. We prove it is ......

Ax-Schanuel for Shimura varieties

期刊: ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS, 2019; 189 (3)

We prove the Ax-Schanuel theorem for a general (pure) Shimura variety. A basic version of the theorem concerns the transcendence of the uniformization......


Sharp L-2 estimates of the Schrodinger maximal function in higher dimensions

期刊: ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS, 2019; 189 (3)

We show that, for n >= 3, limt(t -> 0) e(it Delta) f (x) = f (x) holds almost everywhere for all f is an element of H-s (R-n) provided that s &g......


Uniqueness of K-polystable degenerations of Fano varieties

期刊: ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS, 2019; 190 (2)

We prove that K-polystable degenerations of Q-Fano varieties are unique. Furthermore, we show that the moduli stack of K-stable Q-Fano varieties is se......


Positive scalar curvature on foliations

期刊: ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS, 2017; 185 (3)

We generalize classical theorems due to Lichnerowicz and Hitchin on the existence of Riemannian metrics of positive scalar curvature on spin manifolds......


The triviality of the 61-stem in the stable homotopy groups of spheres

期刊: ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS, 2017; 186 (2)

We prove that the 2-primary pi(61) is zero. As a consequence, the Kervaire invariant element theta(5) is contained in the strictly defined 4-fold Toda......


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