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F-18-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography metabolic pattern assessment in the brain of betel quid dependent individuals

期刊: ADDICTION BIOLOGY, 2021; 26 (5)

The primary objective of this study was to identify the metabolic pattern in the brains of betel quid dependent (BQD) individuals using F-18-2-fluoro-......

Common neurofunctional dysregulations characterize obsessive-compulsive, substance use, and gaming disorders-An activation likelihood meta-analysis of functional imaging studies


Compulsivity and loss of behavioral control represent core symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), substance use disorder (SUD), and internet......

Optogenetic brain-stimulation reward: A new procedure to re-evaluate the rewarding versus aversive effects of cannabinoids in dopamine transporter-Cre mice


Despite extensive research, the rewarding effects of cannabinoids are still debated. Here, we used a newly established animal procedure called optogen......

Stress-induced escalation of alcohol self-administration, anxiety-like behavior, and elevated amygdala Avp expression in a susceptible subpopulation of rats


Comorbidity between alcohol use and anxiety disorders is associated with more severe symptoms and poorer treatment outcomes than either of the conditi......

Oxytocin prevents cue-induced reinstatement of oxycodone seeking: Involvement of DNA methylation in the hippocampus


Oxycodone is one of the most commonly used analgesics in the clinic. However, long-term use can contribute to drug dependence. Accumulating evidence o......

Akt and its phosphorylation in nucleus accumbens mediate heroin-seeking behavior induced by cues in rats


Akt is initially identified as one of the downstream targets of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) and is involved in morphine reward and tolerance.......

Circular RNA expression alteration identifies a novel circulating biomarker in serum exosomal for detection of alcohol dependence


Alcohol dependence (AD) is one of the most common and detrimental neuropsychological disorders. Recently, more and more studies have focused on circul......

Regulation of miR-128 in the nucleus accumbens affects methamphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization by modulating proteins involved in neuroplasticity

期刊: ADDICTION BIOLOGY, 2021; 26 (1)

Methamphetamine (METH) -induced behavioral sensitization depends on long-term neuroplasticity in the mesolimbic dopamine system, especially in the nuc......

Significant, replicable, and functional associations between KTN1 variants and alcohol and drug codependence

期刊: ADDICTION BIOLOGY, 2021; 26 (2)

The gray matter volume (GMV) of the putamen has been reported to be regulated by kinectin 1 gene (KTN1). As a hub of the dopaminergic circuit, the put......

Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors mediate Delta(9)-THC dependence: Mouse and human studies

期刊: ADDICTION BIOLOGY, 2020; 25 (1)

Cessation from prolonged use of Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary active compound responsible for the cannabimimetic effects of cannabi......

Risk factors and an early prediction model for persistent methamphetamine-related psychiatric symptoms

期刊: ADDICTION BIOLOGY, 2020; 25 (1)

Methamphetamine (MA)-related psychiatric symptoms (MAP) are serious comorbidities of MA use and result in many social problems such as violence and su......

Oxytocin inhibits methamphetamine-associated learning and memory alterations by regulating DNA methylation at the Synaptophysin promoter

期刊: ADDICTION BIOLOGY, 2020; 25 (1)

Methamphetamine (METH) causes memory changes, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, c......

Cue-elicited craving-related lentiform activation during gaming deprivation is associated with the emergence of Internet gaming disorder

期刊: ADDICTION BIOLOGY, 2020; 25 (1)

Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is associated with negative health measures. However, little is known regarding the brain mechanisms or cognitive facto......

Demonstration of critical role of GRIN3A in nicotine dependence through both genetic association and molecular functional studies

期刊: ADDICTION BIOLOGY, 2020; 25 (1)

Nicotine dependence (ND) is a chronic disease with catastrophic effects on individual and public health. The glutamate receptor subunit gene, ionotrop......

DNMT3a in the hippocampal CA1 is crucial in the acquisition of morphine self-administration in rats

期刊: ADDICTION BIOLOGY, 2020; 25 (2)

Drug-reinforced excessive operant responding is one fundamental feature of long-lasting addiction-like behaviors and relapse in animals. However, the ......

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