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Critical Addition Point-Based Trace Sensing of Hg2+ Through Surface Plasma Polaritons Properties Analysis of Ag Nanoparticles

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (6)

In this work, we synthesize and functionalize Ag nanoparticles (NPs) with Sodium tripolyphosphate in one pot. Due to P-3 O-10(5-) _AgNPs aggregation i......

0.015 Degree-Per-Hour Honeycomb Disk Resonator Gyroscope

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (6)

High performance Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) gyroscopes are in great demand in the fields of precise navigation, automatic driving and precis......

Impact of N2O Gas Adsorption Upon Electronic Properties of 2D MoSe2 Monolayer: A DFT Approach

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (8)

We have investigated the impact of toxic N2O gas adsorption upon structural and electronic properties of two-dimensional (2D) MoSe2 monolayer using de......

An Automatic Lane Marking Detection Method With Low-Density Roadside LiDAR Data

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (8)

Lane information is an essential part of high-resolution micro-traffic data (HRMTD). Most of the lane detection algorithms for Light Detection and Ran......

A Folded Substrate Integrated Waveguide Re-Entrant Cavity for Full Characterization of Magneto-Dielectric Powder Materials

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (9)

In this study, a folded substrate integrated waveguide (FSIW) re-entrant cavity sensor (RECS) is proposed for full characterization of magnetic-dielec......

Angular Rate Sensitive Method of Magnetically Suspended Control & Sensing Gyroscope Based on Deflection Current and Angle

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (10)

A high-precision angular rate sensitive method of spacecraft based on deflection current and deflection angle measurement is proposed in this paper, i......

A Cascaded Feature Pyramid Network With Non-Backward Propagation for Facial Expression Recognition

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (10)

In this work we propose a novel cascaded feature pyramid network with non-backward propagation (CFPN-NBP) for facial expression recognition (FER) that......

An ISAR Imaging Method Based on Improved CAMP Algorithm

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (12)

Compressed sensing (CS) provides a new idea for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging. Complex approximate message passing (CAMP) algorithm,......

Radar Jamming Effect Analysis Based on Bayesian Inference Network With Adaptive Clustering

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (13)

Radar jamming effect analysis (RJEA) is important for improving the performance of radar sensors in jamming environments and one of the most popular m......

Design of Highly Linear Gradient Field Coils Based on an Improved Target-Field Method

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (14)

An improved approach for designing highly linear gradient coils based on the target-field method is presented for application in a magnetoencephalogra......

Dynamic Sensor Speed Measurement Algorithm and Influencing Factors of Traffic Safety With Wireless Sensor Network Nodes and RFID

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (14)

The proportion of traffic accidents caused by speeding is high, so the safety and regulatory issues of urban roads are particularly important. Existin......

Novel Feature Fusion Module-Based Detector for Small Insulator Defect Detection

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (15)

The failure of an insulator may compromise the safety of the entire power transmission system. Therefore, insulator defect detection is vital for the ......

Dynamic Piezoelectric Tactile Sensor for Tissue Hardness Measurement Using Symmetrical Flexure Hinges and Anisotropic Vibration Modes

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (16)

This paper presents a novel dynamic tactile sensor with a symmetrical longitudinal piezoelectric cantilever structure, which is different from the con......

Enlarging the Usable Hand Tracking Area by Using Multiple Leap Motion Controllers in VR

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (16)

Leap Motion Controller (LMC) is a widely-used 3D user-interface device for virtual reality (VR) in hand tracking applications. However, the tracking a......

Optical Path Optimal Length for Ultraviolet Ammonia Detection With a Compact and Flexible Gas-Absorption Cell

期刊: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021; 21 (16)

A flexible and detachable gas-absorption cell with variable optical path length was designed to obtain the optical path optimal length for gas detecti......

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