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Reinforcement of Fatigue Damaged Steel Structures Using CFRP Lamellas Part 3: Numerical Simulation

期刊: BAUINGENIEUR, 2020; 95 (10)

In two previous papers, CFRP reinforcements of fatigue damaged steel components were examined. For this purpose; CFRP lamellas glued on, either limp o......

Characterization of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the asphalt mixture by microstructural analysis and FE simulation

期刊: BAUINGENIEUR, 2019; 94 (3)

The use of asphalt pavements extends from high-grade road surfaces to runways of airports. To allow for more precise predictions of a pavement's servi......


Evaluation of Asphalt Pavement Skid Resistance under Icy Conditions

期刊: BAUINGENIEUR, 2018; 93 ()

Traffic safety is of upmost importance for road users and infrastructure providers. Safety is influenced significantly by the skid resistance of pavem......


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