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Study of Jatropha curcas Linn and Olea europaea as Bio-Oil Lubricant to Physical Properties and Wear Rate

期刊: LUBRICANTS, 2021; 9 (4)

This paper presents a study on the effect of the mixed volume fraction of Jatropha curcas Oil (JCO) and Olea europea or extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) ......

An Experimental Study on the Fretting Corrosion Behaviours of Three Material Pairs at Modular Interfaces for Hip Joint Implants

期刊: LUBRICANTS, 2021; 9 (2)

The fretting corrosion behaviours of Al2O3 ceramic/Ti6Al4V alloy, 316 L stainless/Ti6Al4V alloy, and CoCrMo alloy/Ti6Al4V alloy pairs were studied in ......

Numerical Simulation of Static Seal Contact Mechanics Including Hydrostatic Load at the Contacting Interface

期刊: LUBRICANTS, 2021; 9 (1)

A finite element model of a static seal assembled in its housing has been built and is utilized to study how the seal deforms under varying loading co......

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