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Costly signalling theory and dishonest signalling

期刊: THEORETICAL ECOLOGY, 2020; 13 (1)

We analyze the model of costly signalling theory and show that dishonest signalling is still a possible outcome even for costly indices that cannot be......

Moderate parasitoidism on pollinators contributes to population oscillations and increases species diversity in the fig-fig wasp community

期刊: THEORETICAL ECOLOGY, 2020; 13 (2)

Whether species diversity contributes to the ecosystem stability has been one of the most heated arguments in community ecology. Potentially different......

Spatial scaling of species richness-productivity relationships for local communities: analytical results from a neutral model

期刊: THEORETICAL ECOLOGY, 2020; 13 (1)

The relationship between species richness and productivity changes with spatial scale, but the way in which it changes and the underlying mechanisms r......

The emergence of phase asynchrony and frequency modulation in metacommunities

期刊: THEORETICAL ECOLOGY, 2019; 12 (3)

Spatial synchrony can summarize complex patterns of population abundance. Studies of phase synchrony predict that limited dispersal can drive either i......


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