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A novel triple-image encryption and hiding algorithm based on chaos, compressive sensing and 3D DCT

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 574 ()

In this paper, a novel triple-image encryption and hiding algorithm is proposed by combining a 2D chaotic system, compressive sensing (CS) and the 3D ......

Differentially private data publishing for arbitrarily partitioned data

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 553 ()

Many models have been proposed to preserve data privacy for different data publishing scenarios. Among these models, epsilon-differential privacy is r......

Evidence integration credal classification algorithm versus missing data distributions

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 569 ()

In complex incomplete pattern classification, the classification results produced by a single classifier and used for decision-making may be quite unr......

A cluster-based oversampling algorithm combining SMOTE and k-means for imbalanced medical data

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 572 ()

The algorithm of C4.5 decision tree has the advantages of high classification accuracy, fast calculation speed and comprehensible classification rules......

A neuro-diversified benchmark generator for black box optimization

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 573 ()

No Free Lunch Theorem presents a dilemma in the evaluation of emerging evolutionary algorithms in terms of handling various real world problems and th......

Semi-supervised anomaly detection in dynamic communication networks

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 571 ()

To ensure the security and stabilization of the communication networks, anomaly detection is the first line of defense. However, their learning proces......

Multi-modal visual adversarial Bayesian personalized ranking model for recommendation

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 572 ()

Recommendation system is facing the "data sparseness" issue. Additional information, including images, texts, and videos, contributes to alleviating t......

MetaRisk: Semi-supervised few-shot operational risk classification in banking industry

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 552 ()

We study the operational risk classification problem, a critical yet challenging problem in the banking industry. In practice, banks build supervised ......

Divide-and-conquer large scale capacitated arc routing problems with route cutting off decomposition

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 553 ()

The capacitated arc routing problem is a very important problem with many practical applications. This paper focuses on the large scale capacitated ar......

Deterministic convergence analysis via smoothing group Lasso regularization and adaptive momentum for Sigma-Pi-Sigma neural network

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 553 ()

In this paper, we propose a sparse and accelerated method for Sigma-Pi-Sigma neural network training based on smoothing group lasso regularization and......

Dual-JPEG-image reversible data hiding

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 563 ()

Because of the widespread popularity of JPEG image compression format, reversible data hiding (RDH) for JPEG images has practical application value wi......

Accelerated manifold embedding for multi-view semi-supervised classification

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 562 ()

Multi-view semi-supervised learning has gained much attention since a great number of unlabeled multi-view data are easy to obtain while few labeled d......

Blessing of dimensionality at the edge and geometry of few-shot learning

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 564 ()

In this paper we present theory and algorithms enabling classes of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to continuously and incrementally improve with......

Speech emotion recognition based on formant characteristics feature extraction and phoneme type convergence q

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 563 ()

Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) has numerous applications including human-robot interaction, online gaming, and health care assistance. While deep le......

Active contour driven by adaptively weighted signed pressure force combined with Legendre polynomial for image segmentation

期刊: INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2021; 564 ()

This paper proposes an active contour driven by adaptively weighted signed pressure force (SPF) combined with the Legendre polynomial method for image......

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