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EDEN: Flare Activity of the Nearby Exoplanet-hosting M Dwarf Wolf 359 Based on K2 and EDEN Light Curves

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 162 (1)

We report the flare activity of Wolf 359, the fifth closest star to the Sun and a candidate exoplanet-hosting M dwarf. The star was a target of the Ke......

New Positions of Triton Based on Gaia DR2 and New Image-processing Methods

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 161 (5)

The large time span and precise observational data of natural satellites is of great significance for updating their ephemerides and studying their dy......

Evaluating the Thickness and Stratigraphy of Ejecta Materials at the Chang'e-4 Landing Site

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 162 (1)

The landing site of China's Chang'e-4 (CE-4) probe is located on the mare basalts on the floor of the Von Karman crater on the lunar far side. The Von......

Photometric Study and Absolute Parameter Estimation of Six Totally Eclipsing Contact Binaries

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 162 (1)

High precision CCD observations of six totally eclipsing contact binaries were presented and analyzed. It is found that only one target is an A-type c......

A CO-to-H-2 Ratio of approximate to 10(-5) toward the Herbig Ae Star HK Ori

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 161 (5)

Measurements of gas mass in protoplanetary gas disks form the basis for estimating the conditions of planet formation. Among the most important constr......

The Aligned Orbit of the Eccentric Warm Jupiter K2-232b

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 162 (2)

Measuring the obliquity distribution of stars hosting warm Jupiters may help us to understand the formation of close-orbiting gas giants. Few such mea......

Precise Estimation of Source Intensity for Wide-field Telescopes with PSF Modeling

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 161 (5)

Wide-field small aperture optical telescopes are widely used in large-scale surveys currently and they have made great contributions in a number of as......

VLBI Data Processing on Coronal Radio-sounding Experiments of Mars Express

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 162 (4)

The ESA's Mars Express solar corona experiments were performed at two solar conjunctions in the years 2015 and 2017 by a number of radio telescopes in......

Rotational Velocities of Am and Non-chemical-peculiar Stars Based on Kepler and LAMOST DR5

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 162 (1)

Rotation is a critical physical process operating in the formation of Am stars. There is a strong correlation between low-velocity rotation and chemic......

Planet Occurrence Rate Correlated to Stellar Dynamical History: Evidence from Kepler and Gaia

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 162 (2)

The dynamical history of stars influences the formation and evolution of planets significantly. To explore the influence of dynamical history on the p......

Census of Variable Stars toward Serpens Main

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 162 (2)

We monitored a 3 deg(2) area toward Serpens Main in the Pan-STARRS1 r, i, and z bands from 2016 April to September. Light curves of more than 11,000 s......

Hubble Space Telescope UV and H alpha Measurements of the Accretion Excess Emission from the Young Giant Planet PDS 70 b

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 161 (5)

Recent discoveries of young exoplanets within their natal disks offer exciting opportunities to study ongoing planet formation. In particular, a plane......

Time-domain Modulation of HD 189733 Activities by Its Planet

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 161 (6)

Star-planet interaction can be studied by analyzing exoplanetary orbit and stellar rotation modulations of the transit emissions from exoplanetary sys......

A Lattice Boltzmann Scheme for Polarized Radiative Transfer in Planetary Atmospheres

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 162 (3)

Quantitative calculation of reflected polarized light from planets is of great significance to interpret the polarimetric observations of planetary at......

Disintegration of Long-period Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS). I. Hubble Space Telescope Observations

期刊: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2021; 162 (2)

The near-Sun comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) is the first member of a long-period comet group observed to disintegrate well before perihelion. Here we present......

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