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Evolution of the universe from the perspective of entropy and information

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (16)

Entropy is a key concept widely used in physics and other fields. At the same time, the meaning of entropy with different names and the relationship a......

Fresh insights on properties of particle fluxes in cosmic rays measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the international space station

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (12)

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is a particle physics detector focusing on the search for dark matter, the existence of antimatter, the origin and com......

Aharonov-Bohm effect on the generalized Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator in the Som-Raychaudhuri spacetime

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (9)

The generalized Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) oscillator with electromagnetic interactions in the curved spacetimes is investigated. We introduce firstly......

Authenticated quantum dialogue protocol based on four-particle entangled states

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (26)

Many protocols of quantum dialogue are based on the assumption that the user is legitimate. In fact, the assumption is ideal. Therefore, it is necessa......

Manifestation of hidden symmetries in baryonic matter: From finite nuclei to neutron stars

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (13)

When hadron-quark continuity is formulated in terms of a topology change at a density higher than twice the nuclear matter density (n(0)), the core of......

Periastron precession due to a Janis-Newman-Winicour wormhole in the weak field limit

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (22)

The precession effect of periastron for a massive test particle in the spacetime of a Janis-Newman-Winicour wormhole is studied in the weak field limi......

Artificial neural network spectral light curve template for type Ia supernovae and its cosmological constraints

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (21)

The spectral energy distribution (SED) sequence for type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) is modeled by an artificial neural network. The SN Ia luminosity is cha......

A new multi-party quantum private comparison based on n-dimensional n-particle GHZ state

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (12)

With the help of a semi-honest third party Calvin, n parties P-1,P-2, ... ,P-n can determine whether all of their private inputs X-1,X-2, ... ,X-n are......

Investigating the Atomki anomaly in the framework of axial (ABJ) anomaly

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (12)

An anomaly observed in the Be-8 nuclear transition by the Atomki collaboration hints at a light, neutral boson decaying into an e(+)e(-) pair with a m......

Hayward black hole heat engine efficiency in anti-de Sitter space

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (16)

In this paper, we attempt to further study the heat engine efficiency for the regular black hole (BH) with an anti-de Sitter (AdS) background where th......

Quantum contextuality of YO-13 rays

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (12)

Quantum contextuality, a more general quantum correlation, is an important resource for quantum computing and quantum information processing. Meanwhil......

Quantum image interest point extraction

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (9)

With the development of quantum computing, the application of it to image processing has lots of advantages compared to classical image processing. In......

Four-agent bidirectional quantum controlled teleportation via quantum entanglement swapping

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (11)

A total of seven qubits are in a maximally entangled state. Using such an entangled state as quantum channel is based on the construction requirements......

Cooling-heating phase transition of the Euler-Heisenberg-AdS black hole

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (23)

We investigate the cooling-heating phase transition of the Euler-Heisenberg-AdS black hole. First, the black hole thermodynamic quantities and the sta......

Perturbation analysis for massless spin fields in accelerating Kerr-Newman-(anti-)de Sitter black holes

期刊: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2021; 36 (24)

We obtain the wave equation of the perturbation theory governing massless fields of spin 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2 and 2 in accelerating Kerr-Newman-(anti-)de Si......

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