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Preoperative thromboelastography in the prediction of post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage by coblation tonsillectomy: a post-hoc analysis

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2022; 42 (6)

BACKGROUND: Post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage (PTH) affects around 4% of patients after tonsillectomy. We hypothesized that preoperative thromboelastograp......


Prognosis of gastric adenocarcinoma associated with girdin, Akt, and cortactin

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2022; 42 (3)

BACKGROUND: The actin-binding protein girdin regulates tumor cell migration and invasion by maintaining actin structure. PI3K/ Akt signaling is an imp......


Neurological outcomes in adult drowning patients in China

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2022; 42 (2)

BACKGROUND: Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional death worldwide. The epidemiological characteristics of adult drownings are rarely re......


Seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus infection in pregnant women: a systematic review and meta-analysis

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2020; 40 (2)

BACKGROUND: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection has emerged as a global public health problem that affects millions of people every year. OBJECTIVE: Sys......

Endoscopic band ligation for transverse colonic variceal bleeding: case report and review of the literature

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2020; 40 (3)

Colonic varices are lesser-known in comparison with gastroesophageal varices in a complication associated with liver cirrhosis. The ideal therapeutic ......

Dexmedetomidine aggravates hypotension following mesenteric traction during total gastrectomy: a randomized controlled trial

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2020; 40 (3)

BACKGROUND: Mesenteric traction syndrome (MTS), which is characterized by arterial hypotension and tachycardia following mesenteric traction (MT), fre......

A case of congenital Rett variant in a Chinese patient caused by a FOXG1 mutation

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2020; 40 (4)

Rett syndrome (RTT) is a severe progressive neurodevelopmental disease characterized by psychomotor regression. The FOXG1 gene is one of the pathogeni......

Associations between human leukocyte antigen C locus polymorphism and psoriatic arthritis in populations of European and Middle Eastern descent: a meta-analysis

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2020; 40 (4)

BACKGROUND: Gene-disease association between human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-C locus polymorphism and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) remains controversial. O......

Dapoxetine for the treatment of premature ejaculation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with trial sequential analysis

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2018; 38 (5)

BACKGROUND: The safety and efficacy of dapoxetine for the treatment of premature ejaculation (PE) is still controversial. Thus, we decided to conduct ......


Asthma and risk of cardiovascular disease or all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2017; 37 (2)

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have demonstrated that asthma might be associated with an increase in cardiovascular disease (CVD) and death. However, th......


Risk of pneumonia among patients with splenectomy: a retrospective population-based cohort study

期刊: ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE, 2017; 37 (5)

BACKGROUND: People without a spleen are particularly susceptible to various overwhelming infections including pneumonia. Although the association betw......


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