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Network-Based Trajectory Search over Time Intervals

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 25 ()

In this paper, we study a novel spatio-temporal query over trajectories. The spatial part of the query aims to find the ktrajectories closest to the q......

Time-Series Graph Network for Sea Surface Temperature Prediction

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 25 ()

Sea surface temperature (SST) is an important indicator for balancing surface energy and measuring sea heat. Various effects caused by the sea tempera......

Information Needs Mining of COVID-19 in Chinese Online Health Communities

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 24 ()

This study explores the information needs for the novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) in Chinese online health communities (OHCs). Based on the que......

Predicting Response Time of Concurrent Queries with Similarity Models

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 25 ()

Predicting query response time is an essential task for managing database systems, especially in modern large distributed data centers that execute he......

CSIP: Enhanced Link Prediction with Context of Social Influence Propagation

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 24 ()

Data mining in social networks brings an indispensable role for the construction of smart cities from the perspective of social development. Link pred......

Study on Landscape Architecture Model Design Based on Big Data Intelligence

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 25 ()

Because of the rapid development of Internet technology in recent years, the speed of information data growth is faster and faster, through the use of......

Evaluating Different Selection Criteria for Phase Type Survival Tree Construction

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 25 ()

Due to its interpretability and intuitiveness, survival tree based analysis is a powerful Artificial Intelligence method for modelling longitudinal su......

JECI++: A Modified Joint Knowledge Graph Embedding Model for Concepts and Instances

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 24 ()

Concepts and instances are important parts in knowledge graphs, but most knowledge graph embedding models treat them as entities equally, that leads t......

Data Price Determinants Based on a Hedonic Pricing Model

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 25 ()

Data have become an emerging factor of production; the development of the data trading market is accelerating, but data pricing remains in the initial......

Risk Prediction of Renal Failure for Chronic Disease Population Based on Electronic Health Record Big Data

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 25 ()

Renal failure is a fatal disease raising global concerns. Previous risk models for renal failure mostly rely on the diagnosis of chronic kidney diseas......

Core dataset extraction from unlabeled medical big data for lesion localization

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 24 ()

With the advancement of technology in the big data era, the amount of data in the medical field has increased considerably, which has promoted the rap......

Identification of Top-K Influencers Based on Upper Confidence Bound and Local Structure

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 25 ()

We study the problem of identifying top-K influencers when we have only local knowledge of the network structure. More specifically, the selection of ......

An Efficient Algorithm for Spatio-Textual Object Cluster Join

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 25 ()

With the proliferation of GPS-based equipments and location-based services, spatio-textual objects have been playing an indispensable role in spatial ......

A Multi-Task Sequential State Model for the Human Trajectory Data Understanding

期刊: BIG DATA RESEARCH, 2021; 25 ()

Human trajectory data, collected from various location-based services, is of great significance to the understanding of users. However, trajectory-bas......

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