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Comparison of samples of blister fluid and scales in the diagnosis of dermatomycosis

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (10)

Background The successful diagnosis of dermatomycosis depends on specimen collection. Dermatomycosis is sampled mainly for scales, but there is a lack......


Comparison of features and outcomes between HIV-negative patients with Cryptococcus gattii meningitis and Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis in South China

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (9)

Objectives The objective of this study is to compare the epidemiologic, clinical, laboratory, and imaging features, and outcomes in patients with Cryp......


Deep learning-based diagnosis models for onychomycosis in dermoscopy

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (4)

Background Onychomycosis is a common disease. Emerging noninvasive, real-time techniques such as dermoscopy and deep convolutional neural networks hav......


Dysbiosis of skin mycobiome in atopic dermatitis

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (3)

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic and relapsing inflammatory skin disease with an increasing prevalence worldwide. The aetiology and pathogenesis of......


Genotypic diversity and antifungal susceptibility of Scedosporium species from clinical settings in China

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (12)

Background Scedosporium species have drawn significant interest as inhabitants of polluted soil and water and as cause of high mortality in near-drown......


Changing face of epidemiology of dermatophytoses in Chinese Mainland: A 30 years nationwide retrospective study from 1991 to 2020

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (4)

Background Dermatophytoses are the most common infectious skin disease. Its epidemiology varies in different countries and regions, and its prevalence......


Altered skin fungal and bacterial community compositions in tinea capitis

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (8)

Background Tinea capitis is an infection of the scalp and hair shaft caused by dermatophytes that predominantly occurs in children. Skin fungal infect......


A thermal adaptation landscape related to virulence in Mucor irregularis transcriptional profiles

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (3)

Objectives Our study aimed to better understand the different thermal adaptation in Mucor irregularis (M. irregularis) strains under high temperature ......


Performance of rapid on-site evaluation of touch imprints of lung tissue biopsies for the diagnosis of pulmonary cryptococcosis in patients without HIV infection

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (6)

Background and Objective The diagnosis of pulmonary cryptococcosis depends on serum testing, histopathology and mycological culture; there are few stu......


Characterisation of the nail microbiome in psoriatic and nonpsoriatic patients with onychomycosis

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (1)

Background Onychomycosis (OM) is the most common infectious nail disease, and it occurs frequently in patients with psoriasis. Microbial community shi......


Characterization of mitogenomes from four Mucorales species and insights into pathogenicity

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (1)

Background Mucorales, as one major order of Zygomycetes fungi, can infect human beings and cause serious consequence. We have noticed the pathogenicit......


Efficacy of anti-fungal agents for invasive fungal infection prophylaxis in liver transplant recipients: A network meta-analysis

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (10)

At present, there is still a lack of effective invasive fungal prophylaxis therapy in liver transplant recipients (LTRs). This study aimed to analysis......


Incidence, risk factors and mortality of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (2)

Background An increasing number of cases of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) complicating influenza have been described. We performed a meta-ana......


Comparative analysis of galactomannan lateral flow assay, galactomannan enzyme immunoassay and BAL culture for diagnosis of COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (10)

Background: Galactomannan Enzyme Immunoassay (GM-EIA) is proved to be a cornerstone in the diagnosis of COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (C......


Effects of oestrogen on vulvovaginal candidosis

期刊: MYCOSES, 2022; 65 (1)

As a frequently occurring infectious disease mainly caused by Candida albicans, vulvovaginal candidosis (VVC) affects more than 100 million women worl......


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