Comparison of symptomatic and functional responses to vagus nerve stimulation in ANTHEM-HF, INOVATE-HF, and NECTAR-HF

Anand, IS; Konstam, MA; Klein, HU; Mann, DL; Ardell, JL; Gregory, DD; Massaro, JM; Libbus, I; DiCarlo, LA; Udelson, JJE; Butler, J; Parker, JD; Teerlink, JR

Anand, IS (corresponding author), VA Med Ctr, Cardiol 111-C,One Vet Dr, Minneapolis, MN 55417 USA.

ESC HEART FAILURE, 2020; 7 (1): 76


Aims Clinical studies of vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction have had mixed results to date. We sought to c......

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