CTCF orchestrates long-range cohesin-driven V(D)J recombinational scanning

Ba, ZQ; Lou, JM; Ye, AY; Dai, HQ; Dring, EW; Lin, SG; Jain, S; Kyritsis, N; Kieffer-Kwon, KR; Casellas, R; Alt, FW

Ba, ZQ; Alt, FW (corresponding author), Boston Childrens Hosp, Howard Hughes Med Inst, Program Cellular & Mol Med, Boston, MA 02115 USA.; Ba, ZQ; Alt, FW (corresponding author), Harvard Med Sch, Dept Genet, Boston, MA 02115 USA.; Casellas, R (corresponding author), NIAMS, Lymphocyte Nucl Biol, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892 USA.; Casellas, R (corresponding author), NCI, Ctr Canc Res, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892 USA.

NATURE, 2020; 586 (7828): 305


Using an auxin-inducible approach, the authors show that downmodulation of CTCF activity promotes cohesin-driven RAG endonuclease scanning, and thus V......

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