Novel potent blockers for TWIK-1/TREK-1 heterodimers as potential antidepressants

Lee, EH; Park, JE; Gotina, L; Han, YE; Viswanath, ANI; Yoo, S; Moon, B; Hwang, JY; Park, WK; Cho, YJ; Song, CM; Min, SJ; Hwang, EM; Lee, H; Pae, AN; Roh, EJ; Oh, SJ

Pae, AN; Oh, SJ (通讯作者),Korea Inst Sci & Technol, Brain Sci Inst, Seoul 02792, South Korea.;Roh, EJ (通讯作者),Korea Inst Sci & Technol, Chem Kin Res Ctr, Seoul, South Korea.;Pae, AN; Roh, EJ (通讯作者),Korea Univ Sci & Technol, KIST Sch, Div Bio Med Sci & Technol, Seoul 02792, South Korea.



TREK-1 (TWIK-related potassium channel-1) is a subunit of the two-pore domain potassium (K2p) channel and is widely expressed in the brain. TREK-1 kno......

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