Overexpression of T-bet, GATA-3 and TGF-ss Induces IFN-gamma, IL-4/13A, and IL-17A Expression in Atlantic Salmon

Slettjord, TH; Sekkenes, HJ; Chi, H; Bogwald, J; Swain, T; Dalmo, RA; Swain, JK

Dalmo, RA; Swain, JK (corresponding author), Univ Tromso, Art Univ Norway, Fac Biosci Fisheries & Econ, Norwegian Coll Fishery Sci, N-9037 Tromso, Norway.; Swain, JK (corresponding author), NOFIMA, Muninbakken 9-13, N-9291 Tromso, Norway.

BIOLOGY-BASEL, 2020; 9 (4):


The overexpression of GATA-3, T-bet and TGF-ss may theoretically induce IL-4/A, IFN-gamma and IL-17A expression, respectively. Whether this also appli......

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