Expansion of CD4(dim)CD(8+) T cells characterizes macrophage activation syndrome and other secondary HLH

De Matteis, A; Colucci, M; Rossi, MN; Caiello, I; Merli, P; Tumino, N; Bertaina, V; Pardeo, M; Bracaglia, C; Locatelli, F; De Benedetti, F; Prencipe, G

De Benedetti, F (通讯作者),Osped Pediat Bambino Gesu, Piazza S Onofrio 4, I-00165 Rome, Italy.

BLOOD, 2022; 140 (3): 262


CD8(+) T-cell activation has been demonstrated to distinguish patients with primary and infection-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) ......

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