Notch activation during early mesoderm induction modulates emergence of the T/NK cell lineage from human iPSCs

Heinze, D; Park, S; McCracken, A; Haratianfar, M; Lindstrom, J; Villacorta-Martin, C; Mithal, A; Wang, FY; Yang, MW; Murphy, G; Mostoslavsky, G

Mostoslavsky, G (通讯作者),Boston Univ, Ctr Regenerat Med, Boston, MA 02215 USA.;Mostoslavsky, G (通讯作者),Boston Med Ctr, Boston, MA 02118 USA.;Mostoslavsky, G (通讯作者),Boston Univ, Dept Med, Sect Gastroenterol, Boston, MA 02215 USA.

STEM CELL REPORTS, 2022; 17 (12): 2610


A robust method of producing mature T cells from iPSCs is needed to realize their therapeutic potential. NOTCH1 is known to be required for the produc......

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