Identifying high-confidence capture Hi-C interactions using CHiCANE

Holgersen, EM; Gillespie, A; Leavy, OC; Baxter, JS; Zvereva, A; Muirhead, G; Johnson, N; Sipos, O; Dryden, NH; Broome, LR; Chen, Y; Kozin, I; Dudbridge, F; Fletcher, O; Haider, S

Fletcher, O; Haider, S (corresponding author), Breast Canc Now Toby Robins Res Ctr, Inst Canc Res, London, England.

NATURE PROTOCOLS, 2021; 16 (4): 2257


The capture Hi-C assay and its variants require specialized statistical methods for identification of high-confidence contacts. This protocol presents......

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