CRISPR-Cas: Adapting to change

Jackson, SA; McKenzie, RE; Fagerlund, RD; Kieper, SN; Fineran, PC; Brouns, SJJ

Fineran, PC (reprint author), Univ Otago, Dept Microbiol & Immunol, POB 56, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand.; Brouns, SJJ (reprint author), Delft Univ Technol, Kavli Inst Nanosci, Dept Bionanosci, Maasweg 9, NL-2629 HZ Delft, Netherlands.; Fineran, PC (reprint

SCIENCE, 2017; 356 (6333):


Bacteria and archaea are engaged in a constant arms race to defend against the ever-present threats of viruses and invasion by mobile genetic elements......

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