Primary Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Results in Greater Weight Loss at 15-Year Follow-Up Compared with Secondary Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass After Failure of Gastric Band or Mason McLean Vertical Gastroplasty

Etienne, JH; Petrucciani, N; Goetschy, M; Gugenheim, J; Schneck, AS; Iannelli, A

Iannelli, A (corresponding author), Archet II Hosp, Ctr Hosp Univ Nice, Digest Surg & Liver Transplantat Unit, 151 Route St Antoine de Ginestie, Nice 3, France.; Iannelli, A (corresponding author), Univ Cote Azur, Nice, France.; Iannelli, A (corresponding author), INSERM, U1065, Team Hepat Complicat Obes & Alcohol 8, Nice, France.

OBESITY SURGERY, 2020; 30 (10): 3655


Purpose The aim of the study is to compare the outcomes of patients treated with secondary Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) after adjustable gastric ba......

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