Prediction of Healing Performance of Autogenous Healing Concrete Using Machine Learning

Huang, X; Wasouf, M; Sresakoolchai, J; Kaewunruen, S

Kaewunruen, S (corresponding author), Univ Birmingham, Lab Track Engn & Operat Future Uncertainties TOF, Sch Engn, Birmingham B15 2TT, W Midlands, England.; Kaewunruen, S (corresponding author), Univ Birmingham, Sch Engn, Dept Civil Engn, Birmingham B15 2TT, W Midlands, England.

MATERIALS, 2021; 14 (15):


Cracks typically develop in concrete due to shrinkage, loading actions, and weather conditions; and may occur anytime in its life span. Autogenous hea......

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