Pest categorisation of Colletotrichum aenigma, C. alienum, C. perseae, C. siamense and C. theobromicola

Bragard, C; Baptista, P; Chatzivassiliou, E; Di Serio, F; Gonthier, P; Miret, JAJ; Justesen, AF; MacLeod, A; Magnusson, CS; Milonas, P; Navas-Cortes, JA; Parnell, S; Potting, R; Reignault, PL; Stefani, E; Thulke, HH; Van der Werf, W; Civera, AV; Yuen, J; Zappala, L; Migheli, Q; Vloutoglou, I; Czwienczek, E; Maiorano, A; Streissl, F; Reignault, PL

EFSA JOURNAL, 2022; 20 (8):


The EFSA Plant Health Panel performed a pest categorisation of Colletotrichum aenigma, C. alienum, C. perseae, C. siamense and C. theobromicola, five ......

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