Disability in newly diagnosed patients with Crohn′s Disease: initial results from the prospective CROCO (Crohn′s Disease Cohort) Study

Torres, JTD; Ellul, P; Vieujean, S; Ordas, I; Burisch, J; Mocanu, I; Duricova, D; Rodriguez-Lago, I; Buisson, A; Goldis, A; Hernandez, V; Arebi, N; Kaimakliotis, I; Nachury, M; Fumery, M; Allocca, M; Pedersen, N; Barberio, B; Shaji, S; Guedes, A; Ribeiro, R; Ungaro, R; Lambert, J; Colombel, JF

JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS, 2023; 17 (): 443