German Language Adaptation of the NAVS (NAVS-G) and of the NAT (NAT-G): Testing Grammar in Aphasia

Ditges, R; Barbieri, E; Thompson, CK; Weintraub, S; Weiller, C; Mesulam, MM; Kummerer, D; Schroter, N; Musso, M

Musso, M (corresponding author), Univ Med Ctr Freiburg, Dept Neurol, Breisacherstr 64, D-79106 Freiburg, Germany.; Musso, M (corresponding author), Univ Freiburg, BrainLinks BrainTools Excellence Cluster, D-79106 Freiburg, Germany.

BRAIN SCIENCES, 2021; 11 (4):


Grammar provides the framework for understanding and producing language. In aphasia, an acquired language disorder, grammatical deficits are diversifi......

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