
2011-12-19 乳腺健康全球运动 Breast. 2011 Apr;20 Suppl 2:S12-9.




Breast cancer management in middle-resource countries (MRCs): Consensus statement from the Breast Health Global Initiative






Inmiddle resourcecountries(MRCs),cancercontrol programs are becoming a priority as the pattern of disease shifts from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases such asbreastcancer, the most commoncanceramong women inMRCs. TheMiddle ResourceScenarios Working Group of the BHGI 2010GlobalSummit met to identify common issues and obstacles tobreastcancerdetection, diagnosis and treatment inMRCs. They concluded thatbreastcancerearly detection programs continue to be important, should include clinicalbreastexamination (CBE) with or without mammography, and should be coupled with active awareness programs. Mammographic screening is usually opportunistic and early detection programs are often hampered by logistical and financial problems, as well as socio-cultural barriers, despite improved public educational efforts. Although multidisciplinary services for treatment are available, geographical and economic limitations to these services can lead to an inequity inhealthcare access. Without adequatehealthinsurance coverage, limited personal finances can be a significant barrier to care for many patients. Despite the improved availability of services (surgery, pathology, radiology and radiotherapy), quality assurance programs remain a challenge. Better access to anticancer drugs is needed to improve outcomes, as are rehabilitation programs for survivors. Focused and sustained governmenthealthcare financing inMRCsis needed to improve early detection and treatment ofbreastcancer.

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