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Elemental Imaging of Alumina Ceramic Tube Using Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (3)

Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is an attractive analytical technique for the direct analysis of samples found......

The Disturbance of Anticancer Drug Cisplatin to Cellular Homeostasis of Trace Elements Revealed by ICP-MS and ToF-SIMS

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (4)

Trace elements play important roles in many physiological processes. The disorder in the metabolism and/or homeostasis of the trace elements will caus......

Accurate Measurement of Chromium Isotopic Compositions in Geological Reference Materials by Double-Spike MC-ICP-MS

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (3)

The delta Cr-53/52 values of twenty-five geological reference materials (GRMs) were determined including igneous rocks, coal, shale, stream/ocean sedi......

New Possibilities for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds by Their Molecular Ions in Air Using mu s-Pulsed GD TOFMS

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (3)

A recent trend in glow discharge analysis, previously considered as a 'purely inorganic' technique, is related to the effective ionisation of volatile......

Accurate analysis of Fe isotopes in Fe- dominated minerals by excimer laser ablation MC-ICP-MS on wet plasma conditions

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (5)

The Fe isotope ratios can be a useful tracer of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and the environmental redox state. In this study, we investigated the f......

Rapid Analysis of I-129 in Natural Water Samples Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (4)

A rapid and simple co-precipitation method for iodine separation from natural samples was developed for determination of I-129 using accelerator mass ......

Depth Profile Analysis of Molybdenum Disulfide Film by Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (4)

In this work, the depth profile analysis capability with direct current glow discharge mass spectrometry (dcGD-MS) was evaluated by examining molybden......

Rapid Elemental Determination and Discrimination of Coins Using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (4)

Damaged coins can be identified effectively via spectral analysis based on LIBS, which is of great significance for coin recycling. This paper takes t......

Novel Magnetic Ion-imprinted Polymer Extraction of Trace Ce(III) in Environmental and Mineral Samples and Determination by ICP-MS

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (4)

A novel magnetic Ce(III) ion-imprinted polymer (Ce(III)-MIIP), grafted on organic-inorganic hybrid monolithic vinyl functionalized Fe3O4 (Fe3O4@HM), w......

Clinimetallomics: Arsenic Speciation in Urine from Patients with Arsenism by HPLC-ICP-MS

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (5)

Clinimetallomics is proposed as a branch of metallomics that focuses on the study of the metallome in clinical samples of urine, blood, and tissues. A......

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for Metrometallomics: The Study of Quantitative Metalloproteins

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (5)

The emerging field of metrometallomics refers to the qualitative and quantitative measurement of metallic analytes in the metrological sciences. Induc......

Archaeometallomics as a Tool for Studying Ancient Ceramics

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (5)

In this paper, the concept of archaeometallomics is put forward to study the role of metal elements in cultural relics. An example is the influence of......

Quantitative Analysis of Gold Nanoparticles in Single Cells with Time-resolved ICP-MS

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (3)

Single-cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SC-ICP-MS) has been introduced for the analysis of intracellular essential elements and nano......

Advances of Synchrotron Radiation-based Radiometallomics for the Study of Uranium

期刊: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2021; 42 (5)

Uranium (U) is one of the most concerned radioactive metals on earth. Thus, to unravel the transportation and transformation of U in the food webs, an......

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