2010AAP 美国眼部检查在虐待儿童评价中的应用

2010-07-26 美国儿科学会 Pediatrics. 2010 Aug;126(2):376-80. Epub 2010 Jul 26


2010AAP 美国眼部检查在虐待儿童评价中的应用


2010AAP The Eye Examination in the Evaluation of Child Abuse






abstract Retinal hemorrhage is an important indicator of possible abusive headtrauma, but it is also found in a number of other conditions. Distinguishingthe type, number, and pattern of retinal hemorrhages may behelpful in establishing a differential diagnosis. Identification of ocularabnormalities requires a full retinal examination by an ophthalmologistusing indirect ophthalmoscopy through a pupil that has been pharmacologicallydilated. At autopsy, removal of the eyes and orbital tissuesmay also reveal abnormalities not discovered before death. Inpreviously well young children who experience unexpected apparentlife-threatening events with no obvious cause, children with headtrauma that results in significant intracranial hemorrhage and braininjury, victims of abusive head trauma, and children with unexplaineddeath, premortem clinical eye examination and postmortem examinationof the eyes and orbits may be helpful in detecting abnormalities that canhelp establish the underlying etiology. Pediatrics 2010;126:376–380

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