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Drinking to cope and coping strategies in Deaf/Hard of hearing college students

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 136 ()

Introduction: Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students experience unique stressors as a minority linguistic and cultural group that may contribute to p......

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and sympathetic nervous system responses to social evaluative stress in chronic cannabis users and non-users

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 136 ()

Background: To advance our understanding of the health-related consequences of chronic cannabis use, this study examined hypothalamic-pituitary-adrena......

The developmental unfolding of substance use disorder symptoms and academic achievement in the transition into and out of college

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 137 ()

This study aimed to explore the prospective associations between both alcohol and cannabis use (frequency and DSM-5 substance use disorder symptom cou......

Causes of alcohol-attributable death and associated years of potential life lost among LGB and non-LGB veteran men and women in Veterans Health Administration

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 139 ()

Background: Alcohol use is a significant concern nationally and research now highlights higher rates of alcohol attributable death (AAD) and years of ......

Cannabis and nicotine co-use among primary care patients in a state with legal cannabis access

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 140 ()

The aim of this exploratory analysis was to evaluate cannabis exposure, reasons for use and problematic cannabis use among adult primary care patients......

Adult use of highly-potent Δ9-THC cannabis concentrate products by US state cannabis legalization status, 2021

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 140 ()

Background: Compared to plant/flower cannabis products, cannabis concentrates have higher average potency of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta 9-THC......

The associations between attachment, self-esteem, fear of missing out, daily time expenditure, and problematic social media use: A path analysis model

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 141 ()

The present study investigated the factors that may be associated with a dysfunctional use of social media use, by exploring the association between a......

Psychosocial predictors of trajectories of dual cigarette and e-cigarette use among young adults in the US

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 141 ()

Introduction: Young adults have the highest prevalence of cigarette and e-cigarette use, warranting research to identify psychosocial correlates of th......

Concern over tobacco and marijuana perceptions and use among adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 142 ()

Background: This study assesses use and perceptions of short-and long-term harms associated with cigarettes, e -cigarettes, and smoked marijuana among......

Emotion dysregulation factors associated with problematic smartphone use severity: The mediating role of fear of missing out

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 143 ()

Based on current theoretical frameworks, there has been increasing research examining psychopathology leading to problematic smartphone use (PSU). How......

Cannabis use for medical symptoms: Patterns over the first year of use

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 144 ()

Background: As greater numbers of states in the United States and countries in the world continue to legalize cannabis for medical use, it has become ......

Pandemic-related life changes and adolescent initiation of cannabis and tobacco/nicotine use

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 144 ()

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic required the public to alter their daily lives drastically. For adolescents, school closures and social isolation ad......

Who benefits from alcohol screening and brief intervention? A mini-review on socioeconomic inequalities with a focus on evidence from the United States

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 145 ()

Alcohol-attributable mortality contributes to growing health inequalities. Addressing hazardous alcohol use and alcohol use disorders through alcohol ......

Elixir of love or venom of violence: When does a drinking event result in couple intimacy or couple conflict?

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 136 ()

The short-term consequences of drinking events may be positive or negative. Most studies have considered only one outcome, but people may experience d......

Examining the influence of adolescent:provider alliance on youth hazardous drinking: Findings from a randomized controlled trial

期刊: ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2023; 136 ()

Purpose: Behavioral interventions to reduce hazardous drinking are only moderately successful in promoting sustained behavior change and post-interven......

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