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Impact of dementia literacy interventions for non-health-professionals: systematic review and meta-analysis

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (3)

Objectives To assess evidence regarding the effects of interventions aimed at improving dementia literacy for different groups of non-health-professio......


Longitudinal associations between formal volunteering and well-being among retired older people: follow-up results from a randomized controlled trial

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (2)

Volunteering has been identified as a potential mechanism for improving the psychosocial health of older adults. Utilizing a randomized controlled tri......


Predictors of change in depressive symptoms in older and multimorbid patients: a longitudinal analysis of the multicare cohort

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (4)

Background Depression in older adults is becoming an increasing concern. As depressive symptoms change over time, it is important to understand the de......


Executive function deficits in mild cognitive impairment: evidence from saccade tasks

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (5)

Objectives: Early detection of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is necessary to prevent irreversible brain damage caused by incipient Alzheimer's disea......


The association between loneliness, social isolation and all-cause mortality in a nationally representative sample of older women and men

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (9)

Objectives Individuals who feel lonely and those who are socially isolated have higher mortality risks than those who are not lonely or socially isola......


Estimate of the prevalence of depression among older people in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (6)

Objective The current systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to estimate the pooled prevalence of depression among elderly people in Africa. Method......


Current UK clinical practice in diagnosing dementia in younger adults: compliance with quality indicators in electronic health records from mental health trusts

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (11)

Objectives To examine current UK practice in diagnosis of patients under 65 with young onset dementia, within 5 years of date of diagnosis, identified......


A systematic review of longitudinal risk factors for loneliness in older adults

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (2)

Objectives To effectively reduce loneliness in older adults, interventions should be based on firm evidence regarding risk factors for loneliness in t......


Coping strategies of older adults with a recent hip fracture within inpatient geriatric rehabilitation

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (7)

Objectives Coping strategies may play an important role as facilitator or barrier for functional recovery after hip fracture. This study explored 1] a......


Direct and indirect associations between childhood socioeconomic status and cognitive function in the middle-aged and older adults in China

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (9)

Objectives To investigate whether childhood socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with cognitive function, and what factors might mediate the assoc......


Sex-specific longitudinal association between baseline physical activity level and cognitive decline in Chinese over 45 years old: Evidence from the China health and retirement longitudinal study

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (9)

Objectives To examine whether sex-specific associations between baseline PA level and follow up cognitive performance in Chinese subjects exist from t......


Does social isolation affect physical and mental health? A test of the social causation hypothesis using dynamic panel models with fixed effects

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (7)

Objectives The widely acknowledged negative association between social isolation and physical and mental health is commonly interpreted in terms of so......


Bidirectional association between depression and multimorbidity in middle-aged and elderly Chinese adults: a longitudinal cohort study

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (4)

Background Few studies have investigated the bidirectional association between depression and multimorbidity from a longitudinal perspective. We aimed......


Death of a child, religion, and mental health in later life

期刊: AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 2022; 26 (3)

Background and Objectives The death of a child may be one of the most stressful events for parents to experience. This study aims to assess how the de......


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