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Allergic asthma: An indication for allergen immunotherapy

期刊: ALLERGOLOGIE, 2023; 46 (3)

Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) as a vali-dated, disease-modifying treatment is now-adays a widely recommended therapy op-tion for allergic rhinitis and ......

Vegan diets from an allergy point of view-Position paper of the DGAKI work- ing group on food allergy

期刊: ALLERGOLOGIE, 2023; 46 (4)

Vegan diets are currently attracting a great deal of attention. However, avoiding animal-based foods restricts the diet and is associated with risks, ......

Rehabilitation medicine in other countries - field report, expert interviews and references

期刊: ALLERGOLOGIE, 2023; 46 (5)

From an international perspective, rehabilitation is mostly an outpatient measure to improve functional activities for people with disabilities, their......

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