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Carboxymethyl cellulase production optimization from newly isolated thermophilic Bacillus subtilis K-18 for saccharification using response surface methodology

期刊: AMB Express, 2017; 7 ( )

In this study, a novel thermophilic strain was isolated from soil and used for cellulase production in submerged fermentation using potato peel as sol......


Nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) dominating in nitrifying community in full-scale biological nutrient removal wastewater treatment plants

期刊: AMB Express, 2017; 7 ( )

Nitrification activities and microbial populations of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) were investigated in 10 f......


Saturation effect and transmembrane conversion of Monascus pigment in nonionic surfactant aqueous solution

期刊: AMB Express, 2017; 7 ( )

Extractive fermentation in a nonionic surfactant aqueous solution provides a promising and efficient method to produce Monascus pigments. The behaviou......


pELMO, an optimised in-house cloning vector

期刊: AMB Express, 2017; 7 ( )

DNA cloning is an essential tool regarding DNA recombinant technology as it allows the replication of foreign DNA fragments within a cell. pELMO was h......


Study on biomethane production and biodegradability of different leafy vegetables in anaerobic digestion

期刊: AMB Express, 2017; 7 ( )

Enormous amounts of vegetable residues are wasted annually, causing many environmental problems due to their high moisture and organic contents. In th......


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