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Pro-environmental food practices in EU countries strongly suggest mutually reinforcing improvements in gender equality and environmental sustainability

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 180 ()

This paper seeks to understand how pro-environmental food practices among women and men in the EU can be supported by considering the interlinkages be......

The correlation between different operationalisations of parental restrictive feeding practices and children?s eating behaviours: Systematic review and meta-analyses

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 180 ()

Strategies used by parents to restrict children's access to highly palatable but unhealthy foods have been described collectively as restrictive feedi......

The effects of resistance exercise on appetite sensations, appetite related hormones and energy intake in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer survivors

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 182 ()

Appetite is a determinant of dietary intake and is impacted by sex hormones, exercise, and body composition among individuals without chronic conditio......

The impact of time restricted eating on appetite and disordered eating in adults: A mixed methods systematic review

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 183 ()

This mixed-methods systematic review evaluated the effect of Time Restricted Eating (TRE) on adult partici-pants' experience of hunger, appetite, and ......

Self-reported intake of high-fat and high-sugar diet is not associated with cognitive stability and flexibility in healthy men

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 183 ()

Animal studies indicate that a high-fat/high-sugar diet (HFS) can change dopamine signal transmission in the brain, which could promote maladaptive be......

Examining the associations between mothers? motivation to regulate their own eating behaviors, food parenting practices and perceptions of their child?s food responsiveness

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 185 ()

Based on the Self-Determination Theory, this study examined: 1) how mothers' autonomous and controlled motivation to regulate their own eating behavio......

Use of nutritional warning labels at the point of purchase: An exploratory study using self-reported measures and eye-tracking

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 188 ()

Nutritional warning labels are gaining relevance in the region of the Americas as a policy tool to reduce in-formation asymmetry and encourage healthi......

The energy content of meals with a similar macronutrient distribution may have a greater impact on appetite sensations than food preferences in adolescents with obesity: A secondary analysis

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 191 ()

Purpose: The energy and macronutrient composition of a meal has been shown to influence postprandial appetitive responses, but it is not clear how ene......

The association between loneliness or social isolation and food and eating behaviours: A scoping review

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 191 ()

Loneliness or social isolation and food/eating behaviours have important health consequences and there are rationales for why they could interact. Lon......

The content of Instagram posts featuring ultra-processed products through the lens of the heuristic-systematic model

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 181 ()

Digital marketing has seen a rapid rise in the last decade as a consequence of the increased popularity of social media. However, few studies so far h......

Imagined eating - An investigation of priming and sensory-specific satiety

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 182 ()

While obesity remains a pressing issue, the wider population continues to be exposed to more digital food content than ever before. Much research has ......

Easy to get, difficult to avoid: Behavioral tendencies toward high-calorie and low-calorie food during a mobile approach-avoidance task interact with body mass index and hunger in a community sample

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 188 ()

In recent years, different studies highlighted the importance of assessing behavioral tendencies toward different food stimuli in healthy and patholog......

The roles of child temperament, parent stress, and parenting style in family mealtimes

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 188 ()

Family mealtimes are associated with benefits for children, including healthy eating, fewer behavior problems, and healthy psychological well-being. H......

Meat reduction among post-secondary students: Exploration of motives, barriers, diets and preferences for meals with partial and full meat substitution

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 188 ()

Before developing new meat reduction interventions to support increased sustainability, it is important to understand the motives, diets and preferenc......

Preference for imperfect produce: The influence of political ideology and openness to experience

期刊: APPETITE, 2023; 191 ()

Food waste is a critical global issue, posing substantial environmental, social, and financial challenges, even as millions continue to face uncertain......

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