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Diatom response to environmental gradients in the high mountain lakes of the Colombia's Eastern Range

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (1)

A survey of 60 high mountain lakes of Colombia's Eastern Range was performed to evaluate the response of surface-sediment diatoms to environmental var......


The population of Trichodesmium cyanobacteria in the northern Pacific Ocean associated with Kuroshio Extension

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (3)

The cyanobacteria Trichodesmium are broadly distributed in the photic zone of oligotrophic tropical and subtropical waters. Mesoscale physical process......


A bibliometric study on the use of diatoms in water quality monitoring and bioassessment in Africa across 10-year (2012-2022) period

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (4)

Living organisms are used in water quality evaluation, thus reflecting the constantly changing physical and chemical characteristics of aquatic ecosys......


Denitrification in intertidal sediments of a tropical estuary subject to increasing development pressures

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (4)

Darwin Harbour is a working port and the most populated city in the Northern Territory of Australia. This macrotidal estuary is located in the wet-dry......


High temperature, predation, nutrient, and food quality drive dominance of small-sized zooplankton in Neotropical lakes

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (4)

Body size plays a key role in the functioning of communities and ecosystems. However, this ecological trait is commonly under strong selection pressur......


Seasonal patterns of microhabitat selection in the Southern Iberian spined-loach Cobitis paludica

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (3)

The Southern Iberian spined-loach Cobitis paludica is an Iberian endemism threatened by human activities, including habitat destruction. For this reas......


Riparian cover buffers the effects of abiotic and biotic predictors of leaf decomposition in subtropical streams

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (4)

Stream functioning is energetically dependent on terrestrial vegetation due to the input of leaves. The decomposition process of this allochthonous re......


Functional evenness and community-weighted mean traits have strong correlation with macrophyte community productivity

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (1)

Biodiversity is declining globally at a rapid rate nowadays as a result of a variety of global changes, and estimating how biodiversity loss affects e......


Effects of inter- and intraspecific competition and food availability on shredder invertebrates from an Amazonian stream

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (3)

Shredders play an important role in leaf decomposition in headwater streams; however, their activities can be affected by irregular leaf availability,......


Fish body geometry reduces the upstream velocity profile in subcritical flowing waters

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (3)

Fish body geometry is highly variable across species, affecting the fluid-body interactions fish rely on for habitat choice, feeding, predator avoidan......


Asexual reproduction for overwintering of the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria spinulosa at different light intensities

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (1)

The dynamics of plant populations are highly influenced by light-dependent growth features and patterns of reproduction when overwintering. Vallisneri......


Clonality in invasive alien macrophytes in Kashmir Himalaya: a stage-based approach

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (1)

While the link between clonality and species invasiveness has recently been recognized, whether and how clonality vary with different invasion stages ......


Aquatic organic matter decomposition in the terrestrial environments of an intermittent headwater stream

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (3)

Rivers and their riparian zones are linked by reciprocal subsidies such as leaf fall or the emergence of biphasic aquatic organisms. Transfers of subs......


Patterns of genetic diversity of brown trout in a northern Spanish catchment linked to structural connectivity

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (4)

The alteration of structural connectivity in fluvial networks is important for the genetic dynamics of aquatic species. Exploring the effects of netwo......


Dispersal of aquatic invertebrates by lesser black-backed gulls and white storks within and between inland habitats

期刊: AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2022; 84 (1)

Waterbirds can transport aquatic invertebrates internally, contributing to metapopulation dynamics between aquatic habitats in a terrestrial matrix. H......


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