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Inverse resonance scattering for massless Dirac operators on the real line

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 132 (1-2)

We consider massless Dirac operators on the real line with compactly supported potentials. We solve two inverse problems: in terms of zeros of reflect......

Boundary value problems on non-Lipschitz uniform domains: stability, compactness and the existence of optimal shapes

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 134 (1-2)

We study boundary value problems for bounded uniform domains in R-n, n >= 2, with non-Lipschitz, and possibly fractal, boundaries. We prove Poincar......

Sampling linear inverse problems with noise

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 132 (3-4)

We study the effect of additive noise to the inversion of FIOs associated to a diffeomorphic canonical relation. We use the microlocal defect measures......

Polynomial stabilization for thermoelastic Reissner-Mindlin-Timoshenko plates with structural damping

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 134 (1-2)

In this paper, we are interested in studying the well-posedness, optimal polynomial stability, and the lack of exponential stability for a class of th......

A nonlinear Dirichlet problem involving terms with logarithmic growth

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 131 (2)

We study existence and regularity of weak solutions for a class of boundary value problems, whose form is {- div(log(1+|del u|)/|del u| m(x)del u) + u......

Optimal shape design for a time-dependent Brinkman flow using asymptotic analysis techniques

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 132 (1-2)

In this paper, we consider the geometric inverse problem of recovering an obstacle. immersed in a bounded fluid flow omega governed by the time-depend......

Global existence of high-frequency solutions to a semi-linear wave equation with a null structure

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 131 (3-4)

We study the propagation of a compactly supported high-frequency wave through a semi-linear wave equation with a null structure. We prove that the sel......

Semi-classical states for the Choquard equations with doubly critical exponents: Existence, multiplicity and concentration

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 132 (3-4)

In this paper, we are concerned with a class of Choquard equation with the lower and upper critical exponents in the sense of the Hardy-Littlewood-Sob......

On the semi-classical analysis of Schrodinger operators with linear electric potentials on a bounded domain

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 135 (1-2)

The aim of this paper is to establish the asymptotic expansion of the eigenvalues of the Stark Hamiltonian, with a strong uniform electric field and D......

Exponential grow-up rates in a quasilinear Keller-Segel system

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 131 (1)

The chemotaxis system {u(t) = del. (D(u)del u) - del . (uS(u)del v), 0 = Delta v - mu + u, mu = 1/vertical bar Omega vertical bar integral(Omega)u, is......

Collective motion driven by nutrient consumption

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 133 (4)

A classical problem describing the collective motion of cells, is the movement driven by consumption/depletion of a nutrient. Here we analyze one of t......

Bifurcation and stability for charged drops

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 134 (3)

In this paper, we investigate the Laplace's equation for the electrical potential of charge drops on exterior domain, and overdetermined boundary cond......

Singularity formation and regularization at multiple times in the viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 133 (3)

The Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for the superquadratic viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation (VHJ) from stochastic control theory, admits a unique, global vis......

Periodic unfolding for anisotropically bounded sequences

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 132 (3-4)

This paper is focused on the asymptotic behavior of sequences of functions, whose partial derivatives estimates in one or more directions are highly c......

A perturbed fractional p-Kirchhoff problem with critical nonlinearity

期刊: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2023; 133 (1-2)

We consider a quasilinear partial differential equation governed by the p-Kirchhoff fractional operator. By using variational methods, we prove severa......

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